ZIP Car Rentals

Zip Car Rentals

1300 NO COST (66 2678)

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How It Works

Zip Car Rentals is an Australian car rental company. We offer rental vehicles to customers whose cars get damaged in car accidents. We understand how destabilizing it can be when your car gets damaged in an accident. Zip Car Rentals have been supplying cars to drivers in Australia who need to move around while their vehicle is under repair.

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Apply for a vehicle

You can apply for an accident replacement vehicle online or by calling our team on 1300 NO COST if you've been in a car accident that wasn't your fault. You will be required to give us all the information we require in order to process your claim. You may be contacted by us if you apply online but are unable to provide all the essential information at that time so that we can obtain the missing information.

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Assessment And Approval

Our experts will endeavour to assist you in returning to the road as soon as possible following a not at fault car accident once we have received your application. Within 24 to 48 hours after receiving your completed application, we hope to respond with approval. But if your automobile isn't roadworthy right away after, Our experts will endeavour to assist you in returning to the road as soon as possible.

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Vehicle Delivery

After receiving your approval, we'll reserve the date for the delivery of your like for like vehicle. Additionally, you'll get the necessary paperwork for you to sign. One of our employees will transport the vehicle to you at a location that is convenient for you (home, work, or repairer) after we've worked out a good time and date with you.

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Vehicle Return

You are responsible for paying for fuel, tolls (and any associated administrative fees), and traffic or parking violations (and any associated administrative fees) while using our replacement vehicle, just as you would if you were driving your own vehicle. After your car has been fixed or you've received your settlement, ZIP CAR will work with you to choose a convenient time and location to pick up the replacement car. Once our car has been returned, we pursue payment from the at-fault person or their insurer to repay the costs of your hire. In particular circumstances, we might need your help with the recovery procedure.